Prairie Girls



Firecracker and Little Hen’s fascination with pioneers and prairie girls began last year when our homeschool group learned about the Oregon Trail for our Oregon History Days.  But lately, their interest in the subject has really blossomed as we read the Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  Firecracker wears her bonnet everywhere, and Little Hen is begging me to sew a big, twirly calico prairie skirt. 

I forgot how wonderful the Little House books are.  How much they define an important part of childhood, especially for little girls who want to step into Laura’s life.  It’s even more magical reading them this time, enjoying the stories and examining the history with my girls.  Thank you, Marcela from unschooling group, for recommending them!

5 thoughts on “Prairie Girls”

  1. My kids adore the little house books! I couldn’t even tell you how many times we’ve read the first few. We are in the middle of both Farmer Boy AND Little House on the Prairie right now.

    Thanks for stopping to say hello on my blog! Made my day 🙂

  2. Pingback: Prairie Girls at the Farmers Market at An Exaltation of Larks

  3. I love this! I was obsesed with pioneers when I was little too, half because of the Little House Books and half because of American Girl Dolls. I think I still am a little obsessed… My mom actually made me a heavy pioneer dress when I was about 9 and I thought it was the coolest thing! The sad part is we think we loaned it to someone for a play and it just never made it back :(. I REALLY wanted a bonnet to wear and am SO jealous of your girl’s! Have you ever watched the Frontier House series on PBS? I bet they’d LOVE it!

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