What to do with all those tomatoes??

Here in Pacific Nortwest, our tomatoes aren’t usually ready until September.  I’ve been reading other ladies’ blogs with so much envy as they enjoy salsa, tomato salad, panzanella, fresh pasta sauce.  Now my beefsteaks are ready, and I’ve been enjoying fresh tomato salad almost every day.  I have Better Boys and Brandywines from my own garden, and Green Zebras and Black Krim’s from a fried.  Throw in a few yellow beefsteaks from my sister and some cherry tomatoes, and i’m in heaven.

Easy Tomato Salad

Handful of cherry tomatoes, sliced in half

5 large beefsteak tomatoes, cubed

1/4 lb mozarella, cubed

Handful of kalamata olives ( pits removed)

Italian salad dressing to coat.

Toss together and enjoy immediately.