While G is napping

Went to make an afternoon pot of tea, and got distracted by how incredibly dusty and precariously stacked everything was in the china cupboard.  Ended up dusting and reorganizing for a solid hour while George napped and the big kids ran around in the sunshine.  (Had I ever dusted in there?  Spider webs galore on the top shelf.  Ugh).

Also found some time to finish up some baby shower gifts before the herd of elephants came stomping in from outdoors and woke the baby.


Little projects seem the easier to complete these days.  Quick and mindless is best.  The last complicated lace shawl I attempted was frogged pretty quickly, because knitting off charts while chasing 4 kids inevitably ends in too many mistakes.

Baby socks in hand-dyed spindle-spun.  Pattern here.

Never did get around to that pot of tea.  Maybe tomorrow…