On the road

Just back from our little road trip to yurt-camp on the coast.  Six hours of blissful spinning this first-shearing raw alpaca fiber while we listened to one of our favorite Arthurian-inspired stories on book CD and watched the driving rain all around us.

Back later today to share about our trip, but for now the mountains of muddy, sandy laundry need my attention…as do Halloween costumes…and our geography lessons…More soon.

3 thoughts on “On the road”

  1. I loved that book, and even though the movie (The Seeker) got bad reviews, it is one of my top 10 favourite movies ever. I think we have watched it once a year for 5 years or so.

  2. Pingback: Yarn Along | Salt of the Earth Urban Farm

  3. Pingback: Alpaca and Social Permaculture | Salt of the Earth Farm

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