Front Garden Fruit


We have a Fruit for the Home Garden workshop this Saturday, and in light of that, I’d like to share a small selection of the fruit in our front yard garden.



Okay, artichokes are flower buds, not fruit, but they grow in a polyculture with one of the plum trees and a selection of grapes, which are…And I love the contrast of the grey sharp-angled foliage with the green roundness of the grape leaves.


Next to the artichokes, the young Early Laxton plum as set fruit for the first time.  I’m looking forward to trying these plum, which mature earlier than most varieties, and are supposed to have a good sweet flavor and eye-catching pink blush.


Next to the Early Laxton and artichokes, a small arbor supports Reliance and Interlaken table grapes.  The kids very much prefer them to my favorite variety – Concord grapes in the backyard.  IMG_1468

Hudson’s Golden Gem is a reliable, disease-resistant, conical-shaped apple, and we planted two after Bea picked them out as her favorites at a fruit tasting.


The bulk of our blueberries are in the side yard garden, but we do have four highbush and four improved lowbush blueberries in a polyculture with clove currants, walking onions and such in a front bed.  Altogether, we have 18 blueberry bushes scattered around the gardens.

Fruit crops in the front yard not pictured here:  Quince, red currant, Clove Currant, pink champagne currant, Chilean guavas, Triple Crown improved thornless blackberry, Aronia berries, Goji berries, Metheley and Stanley plums, strawberries.

Looking forward to our free workshop on Saturday.  I hope folks come away from the class discovering that there are many, many fruits you can pack into a small yard, with varieties far better than one can find in the grocery store.