So, I haven’t been blogging much lately. We’ve been in summer overdrive – husband job-hunting (he starts his new job Monday!), ferrying kids to summer camps, derby derby and more derby, sewing and knitting like crazy in preparation for opening my Etsy store this fall, and most of all: harvesting produce twice a week with volunteers in our garden.
Before I start back to regular posting, I wanted to share some pictures of the harvests over the past couple of weeks. We’ve had all sorts of new volunteers helping, most of whom have almost no previous garden experience. It’s been so much fun to work with them, and seeing men and women get excited about all the possibilites that exist in a permacultuer garden. Have also loved seeing their kids to snack on ground cherries and golden raspberries, play with the ducks, and watch the observation window in the beehive while we pick fruits and veggies.
A glimpse of a portion of what we’ve been picking lately for Birch Community Services:
Back tomorrow with a post on my new favorite permaculture tool: a hand-me-down solar dehydrator!