It’s beginning to look… a little like Christmas

Little by little, the Christmas decorations are going up in our home.  We keep things pretty simple, and we’re still on the look out for the perfect Nativity, preferably second hand (maybe something like this one, or this one…or a new one from Amber.) 

As the days progress, more and more holiday items will emerge to decorate the house.  But for now, the items are that are appearing just hint at the Advent season – bells that jingle, a little wreath or two, a few German decorations, some red and green linens, vases with evergreen boughs tucked in them.

(btw, now that November (and therefore NaBloPoMo!!) are over, I am not going to attempt to post every day.  It was a fun experiment, and I think Ionly missed one day (but double posted a few other days.) That being said, I think a goal of 3-4 days a week is more realistic, especially during the Holidays!)

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