Yarn Along – The Dolls’ Christmas

Taking a break from three days of sewing projects this morning.  The three younger kids were up early, so I’ve been reading to them from The Dolls’ Christmas, by Tasha Tudor, while I work on some knitting.

For the first time all year, I am not knitting from my stash.  On Saturday, a surprise package showed up on my doorstep.  A friend had sent me yarn!  What a wonderful and unexpected gift! It’s Peace Fleece, the yarn I learned to knit on way back in college.  I immediately cast on this shawlette (the extended version).

I’m almost ready to start the lace section, and hope to finish it off today or tomorrow, since we have a new stack of library Christmas books to read through today, and I knit while the kids turn the pages.

And now the children have finished breakfast, gotten dressed, and are asking me to get off the computer and finish The Dolls’ Christmas.  So, that’s what we’ll do.  Looking forward to checking out the other knitters in the Yarn Along tonight when little ones are in bed.)

13 thoughts on “Yarn Along – The Dolls’ Christmas”

  1. can i just say the word “shawlette” is just too funny. it looks like a lovely pattern though. i have never used peace fleece although i have heard great things about it. 🙂

  2. Too true, Heather! Peace Fleece is a little scratchy, but has beautiful colors, a wonderful business model, and I like it for socks and outerwear.

  3. I love Tasha Tudor’s books. I was lucky enough to scoop up a few (including my much loved Doll’s Christmas) when our town library decided they didn’t want them any more. Score. I read them all year long, but ALWAYS at Christmas.

  4. Tonya, that is good to know – I haven’t ordered from them in a few years. Glad to hear their newer blends are softer. Their color blends are so beautiful.

  5. I love that book, and what a beautiful mind picture to think of knitting with little ones turning the pages as you read to them! I can appreciate how you find time to knit with little ones about…
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I am looking forward to spending some time reading through some of your posts, I have a feeling I am in for some time of pleasantness.

  6. I applaud you for your stashdown efforts. I need to make sure I stick to my stash this coming year versus buying new. The pattern looks awesome and I can’t wait to see the finished product!

  7. Pingback: Yarn Along with Tasha | Salt of the Earth Farm

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