A Late November Pause


Joining up with Ginny’s Yarn Along, and Frontier Dreams for the KCCO – Pausing from the work of the day to work on a warmer version of this scarf for a bit this morning – more Christmas gift knitting, of course.

The kids and I are still on a seasonal/ethical eating kick, and after finishing Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, we have started this book CD, and I’ve been thumbing through Edible Perennial Gardening.  A Michael Pollan book seems appropriate in this holiday season of time-honored, seasonal, traditional cooking:


With Thanksgiving just a blink away, that’s all I have to share today.  Most of the day is devoted to cooking and prep for tomorrow – pie crusts, cornbread for the dressing, cranberry relish…food is always the epicenter of a holiday for me – a way to lavish love and appreciation on family and friends.

Wishing you a blessed and joy-filled Thanksgiving!

7 thoughts on “A Late November Pause”

  1. I have a feeling there will be a lot of those “quick” posts today. I will have to check out the edible perennial garden idea! Have a great Thanksgiving Angela.

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