Winter White Knitting


As is the Wednesday ritual: linking up with Ginny’s Yarn Along and the KCCO.


The past few days, I’ve been re-reading The Ultimate Guide to Homesteading, and pouring over the plans in Build Your Own Barrel Oven.

IMG_0531A barrel oven seems like a very, very cool project for an outdoor oven, but after reading the construction details and seeing how one operates, I think we will stick with our original plan to build a simple cob wood-fired bread oven next summer.


I finished a little wool soaker for a friend having a baby.  It made for a nice break from the Christmas knitting projects, and baby garments are my favorite thing to knit.

IMG_0525The winter-white wool yarn is from the thrift store, so I don’t know the brand.  I suspect it has a little mohair in it, and it is quite soft and warm.

More soon:  this afternoon the kids and I are making pfeffernusse cookies and I hope to share our recipe later in the week.



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