

(Pictures by Hubby.)  Another birthday gift from my parents – a comfy Ergo to carry my big boy around in (he was just getting too heavy to tote around in the sling for long).



The carrier was purchased at Milagros Boutique in Northeast Portland.  So far, I am finding is very comfortable, and Tum Tum thinks he’s big stuff riding on my back.  It’s going to take a little practice to get accustomed to flipping him safely up onto my back, but I am already very glad to have my new Ergo – thanks Mom and Dad!!

10 thoughts on “Backpack”

  1. Paint chips – trying to pick colors to paint the interior of the house. We also looked at an arch for the front walk, and items for landscaping the yard.

  2. We had an ergo too… borrowed from a friend. We loved it and used it for ages, until T really did get too heavy. In the beginning I felt like a kangaroo with my little one in my pouch in the front.

  3. My parents gifted me with an Ergo for my 3rd babe. Oh how I wish I had had it 4 years earlier. At almost 3 he still loves it. So does my big 5 year old girl, although she is a heavy load these days. I sing the praises of Ergo s much I should be a spokesperson. I hope your sweet boy continues to love it.

  4. Pingback: Oh, sunshine!! at An Exaltation of Larks

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