Happenings in the garden this week so far: Mustard greens, lettuce and kale are all getting big! (Red Russian Kale in the foreground, with Mizuna mustard behind.)

A volunteer and I got 20 tomatoes planted this afternoon – half in front, half in the back. (I have room for another dozen or so, but am out of cages and will have to jury-rig some bamboo supports – the cages were donated, and I’m trying do as much free and homemade as possible.)

I got 7 De Milpa tomatillos (they have beautiful purple fruit) in the ground, and am trying to find room for three more in some sunny corner. While I planted them, I kept thinking about roasting tomatillos and making purple salsa verde with chips, or chicken enchiladas with tomatillo sauce – can’t wait!

Most of the front yard beds can be seen here (I still don’t have good pictures of all of the backyard, since it’s a mess) – beets and chard and peas are really coming along. We are harvesting lettuce every day (despite the continuing slug issues).  Pole beans and pumpkins are just beginning to peek up through the soil, and the wildflowers are germinating as well.

Baby parsnips in the backyard are putting out true leaves. Only 90 more days or so, and they’ll be ready to eat!

The summer squash in the backyard cold frame is coming along beautifully – looks like we’ll have lot of starts to give away to any volunteers that want them!
On the right is a new veggie I’ve never tried before (thank you, Patty!) – variegated garden cress. Can’t wait to get it established and try some in a salad!

The first of three potato beds out back are really going gang-busters. I have to mulch them almost every day (cutting tall grass from the yard and quickly using up our last bale of straw). The second bed planted will soon catch up – the leaves are 6 inches high. And the third bed potatoes are just barely peeking leaves up through the straw.  Looks like we’ll need to run to the feedstore for another couple of bales soon!
Not pictured – 3 types of mint planted in pots buried around the garden
-bronze fennel starts and lots of chives transplanted around the garden; cilantro and lemon balm starts planted out as well
– bulb fennel, Waltham butternut and Golden Hubbard squash germinating
- Scarlet Runner and Kentucky Wonder pole and 4 types of bush beans planted in the back, along with Christmas limas on the side yard.
-3 dozen Fordhook Giant leeks were transplanted out in the front and side yard and another 30-odd Walla Walla Sweet onions in the side and back (wish I had room for more!)
– And many, many flower starts inter-planted amongst the tomatoes.
And -just as importantly- many, many people have stopped by and talked to me this week about our gardening project – I’ve met a half dozen new neighbors, and am connecting more with many others – the garden is building community, not only amongst volunteers, but also in our neighborhood, and that’s really encouraging to me.
As my next-door neighbor said, “It’s starting to actually look like a garden!”