Yarn Along – Baktus

The Baktus scarf is nearing completion. It was originally going to be a gift for my mother, but I am thinking the geometric quality of the scarf and it’s very simple, clean lines, would make it a better gift for a dear friend from college.  My mom will be getting a pattern more suited to her taste (as soon as I can finish it!).

It has been a very easy knit, but I kept putting it down to pick up more interesting WIPs, or I would have had it finished ages ago.  Quite pleased with it, though, and am thinking of making one for myself in grey and cream stripes, instead of the vibrant Noro.

A few of our homeschooling books this week.  We’re reading bits out of this book each day for a portion of our nature study.  We’re also beginning to delve into Dickens again (seems we always do when the weather turns) with a few children’s books on his life, before starting Oliver Twist later this month.

Ruth is just beginning Cornelia Funke‘s new book (well, it was just translated from German, so it’s new in the US), Ghost Knight.  Fingers crossed it’s as good as some of her other books we’ve adored (… Igraine the Brave, Dragon Rider and Inkheart.) 

This book is based on the Benedictine Rule of fixed-hour prayer from the sixth century.  It has specific prayers for different times of day, and I have mostly been utilizing the evening ones after I put George down for the night, while Casey is reading bedtime stories to the big kids.  The sections are concise, meditative, and uplifting.

Once again joining with Ginny for her Yarn Along today.

10 thoughts on “Yarn Along – Baktus”

  1. that scarf is very nice.
    you know, finding time in your day for yourself and some reflection/prayer is so vital. something i need to add into my life as well.

  2. Loving that noro. That scarf is very pretty and jazzy. The books you shared are interesting – Ghost King, creating creatures and the dickens books have me very curious. I will add them to my list. Thanks for stopping by my space today. 😉

  3. Wowee! Lovely knitting and lots of interesting reading there.

    Thanks for stopping by and no, I didn’t plan to match the hat colour with the book. Hahah! Happy coincidence 🙂

  4. i love the color changes in that scarf. i didn’t know that Cornelia Funke had a new book out–thanks for mentioning it! The Thief Lord is my favorite of hers, although i really enjoyed Inkheart too. i will have to put Ghost Knight on my to-read list.

  5. The foraged flavour book looks interesting. Alys Fowlers, Thrifty Forager is one of my go-to foraging guides if I’m not sure whether or not something is edible…but I’m always on the look out for others.

    Lucky mum and friend, both scarves look amazing.

    Happy knitting.

  6. That Divine Hours looks good. I love anything having to do with St. Benedict and have only just recently started learning about his Rule.

  7. I agree, Hannah! Definitely beautiful, but a bit scratchy. I think it works for outerwear, but definitely wouldn’t knit baby things or hats with it…Thank you for stopping by.

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