Yellow Dresser


Casey had his eye on this at the local thrift store for quite a long while.  (I’ll admit, I thought it had charm, too!) It was originally priced far too high at $75.  So, we let it go.

Apparently no one else saw we we saw, because week after week after week it went unsold.  And then the price started dropping.

Now, we needed a new dresser upstairs – storage for the girls’ various craft supplies.  The dresser we had been using was too small, missing a handle, had a broken drawer, and we had gotten far more from it than the $8 we paid at a Goodwill nearly 12 years ago.

On a recent trip to the thrift store, they had marked it down to $17.  Yes!  (That’s below our self-imposed maximum of $20 on thrift store furniture.) I snatched it up right away and took it home.  Casey had a big smile on his face when I told him what we’d brought home.


Here in the front sun room (Ruth calls it her Yoga Studio), I gave it a good scrub, and candle-waxed all the drawers so they would slide more smoothly.  Then I took off the original knobs (ugly orange wooden ones) and put on some ceramic ones from World Market (they had a sale, buy two and the third was free).

George seems to think it is his dresser, and he keeps opening the middle drawer to stash toys in it.  Now, to shift it upstairs and get the craft supplies organized!

4 thoughts on “Yellow Dresser”

  1. Lovely dresser! Can you tell me how you used the candle wax on the drawers? I have an older wood dresser too and I should probably do this.

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