A few things from the garden


A few things picked one morning this week in the BCS Teaching Garden!  Lots of Blue Lake pole beans, summer squash, kale, French Tarragon, chives, Italian flatleaf parsley, spearmint, nasturtium flowers, and a little bit of rhubarb.


We currently have volunteers coming three days a week to help with the harvest, and they even got a large (17 plant) raspberry patch planted last week.  Now, to get supports build for the canes and finish the shed before the rains come in the fall!


And Wednesday, we had one more gorgeous Black Krim tomato.  Isn’t it funny how precious the first tomatoes are?  Each one is cherished…but soon there will be enough fresh, organic heirloom tomatoes for the BCS families to enjoy!  The hot sunny weather today and this weekend should finally help ripen the buckets and buckets of green tomatoes still on the vine!


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