Wool Along

Joining with Nicole for KCCO and Ginny for the Yarn Along.  We’re finishing up some Thanksgiving and autumn-themed books this week before diving in to Advent books next week.  I think we’ve read and re-read Wild Child at least a dozen times in the past few days.  It’s always been a favorite in our home.

The children really enjoyed The Life and Times of the Apple. Harold is intensely interested in gardening (go figure) and he was fascinated with the section on fruit grafting.

Today there is no knitting or spinning to share, but I have been working on some wooly garments.  I have a few knitting projects going, but they were pushed to the back burner this weekend as I tried desperately to get a big stack of sewing finished. The weather has turned cold + George is growing rapidly = he is short on diaper covers.

For several months, I had been collecting wool sweaters at the thrift store and a few rummage sales, washing/fulling them, and storing them until time could be found to sew.  I managed to complete half of them while George napped, and got the other half cut and pinned.

With the leftover sleeves, I whipped up some wool longies for overnight and extra chilly days.  They look a bit wonky here, but will lay flat once blocked.  The two larger ones are for George.  The sky blue one is for a baby-shower gift – in its former life it was a velvety-soft wool and cashmere J. Crew sweater (thank you, UU church rummage sale).

Total cost for enough wool and elastic to make 6 soakers and 4 longies = $3.25

Here’s George in his new soakers after they were blocked and waterproofed.   Next week I will have a tutorial up on waterproofing wool soakers with lanolin.  I’ll walk you through the process so you, too, can have excellent results using wool covers with cloth diapers.

And now back to making pie crusts!

13 thoughts on “Wool Along”

  1. Cool! I am interested in learning how that works with wool. What do you use underneath? Pins/snappis/motherease? We use BumGenius right now, which is working pretty well for us, but I got them used to begin with, so I am not sure the PUL will last through yet another child!

  2. I use Motherease, or prefold a with snappi clips. I also have several wool covers that look like pul ones – with Velcro. They are a less efficient way to use up a sweater, and the Velcro gets full of wool fuzz. If I make more in the future, I’ll use snaps.

  3. The book one apples looks interesting. We recently spent a day with a local lady who is very knowledgable about apples, she showed us how to graft. She also took us to her orchard and allowed us to pick her apples. Tomorrow we are going to juice them all with her juicer!

  4. The book one apples looks interesting. We recently spent a day with a local lady who is very knowledgable about apples, she showed us how to graft. She also took us to her orchard and allowed us to pick her apples. Tomorrow we are going to juice them all with her juicer!

  5. your diaper covers look amazing!
    and can i say… WE LOVE all those books. wild child is a favorite and the thanksgiving book, well i personally love it. that is how i want t-day to be in my house when my kids are all grown and they come home for the holiday.

  6. Pingback: Yarn Along – Just Barely | Salt of the Earth Farm

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