A post!


Once again, I have failed to be a consistent blogger.  What can I say?  Life is busy.   I have barely picked up my knitting needles in weeks and weeks.  My camera is forgotten on a regular basis.  My spinning wheel is dusty and the laundry table is covered in at least three loads of unfolded clothes.  House and writing projects have been set aside.  Our whole family has had a non-stop run of illness and maintenance of chronic health issues.  But the kids have my attention, and we have been connecting and learning and growing in many areas.  And life is good.

And now, it’s summer!  So, we’ll give blogging another go.

Some images from the last few weeks:

A portion of one morning’s harvest for Birch Community Services



Goumi berries. Ruth eats them all!
Almost two weeks going shampoo-free (Bea calls it no-sham instead of no-poo, and I much prefer her term!).  Still in the "transition" phase, so I've been wearing a tichel most days.
Almost two weeks going shampoo-free (Bea calls it no-sham instead of no-poo, and I much prefer her term!). Still in the “transition” phase, so I’ve been wearing a tichel most days.
Trying to nourish ourselves and heal from lots of illness. Been fermenting lots of good things lately (kraut, beer, a host of pickles, kombucha, sourdough), and getting back to making my own buttermilk and bread each week.

The backyard. Potatoes and poppies abound.
Picking strawberries and currants with George

Hope to be back later in the week.  (Unless the evenings continue to be too beautiful to deny ourselves a long after-dinner walk.  Summer in Portland never disappoints.)

Blessings on the start of a new week.

7 thoughts on “A post!”

  1. Love the picture of your backyard. What type of poppies are those? I’ve tried two springs now to get similar ones established at my place with VERY little success. Happy Anniversary!

  2. Thanks, Jeri! The are Corn Poppies – an annual variety that self-sows everwhere. I have finally gotten three or four perennial Oriental Poppies to establish this year, after failing several times in the past. If you’d like some corn poppy seeds, I’d be happy to save some for you. They do best when planted in January or early February.

  3. I’m always happy to read your posts, even if they’re once every six months! No matter how frequent, you never cease to inspire me.

    Could you tell me more about the no-sham idea? Wait, you’re busy. I will google it. (Seriously! Why don’t I always think of that first when I’m on the internet? Silly.)

  4. I love the look of pure joy on our daughter’s face at yet another successful humiliation and peril scenario for her Barbie.

  5. Thank you, Kathleen. What a kind thing to say. 🙂 Someone on the internet coined the term “no-poo”, but “no-sham” certainly has a better ring to it. It is a method of cleansing your hair with baking soda and vinegar (and sometimes chamomile tea). I am doing it for a whole host of reasons, and was thinking of doing a post about it when the transition phase is over and my hair looks good, but if you google it, there is TONS of info out there.

  6. I think I’ve waited until march or april to seed mine before. That must be the problem. If you think about it you can save me some and just mail them to me. Not biggy though. Those are the same variety I’ve tried before.

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