


My dad, who has made me all sorts of great spindles and fiber tools,  made me a new spinning wheel flyer to replace the broken one on my Louet-S10! (It arrived just in time for my birthday.)  YAY!!!!

It’s rainy and yucky out today (although, I’m grateful, because the seeds we’ve planted need the water), so I think it’ll be a great afternoon to listen to our new book on CD while the girls finish their altered book project and I try out my wheel!

Those bags of fiber upstairs are calling me.  Can’t wait to get spinning…

2 thoughts on “Flyer”

  1. What a wonderful gift! I wish we had a woodworker in the family. I have no doubt that if my Grampa was still alive, he’d be making spindles right and left for me.

  2. Pingback: Lark Song Knits » Blog Archive » On the wheel, on the map

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