Urban Homesteading Action Day

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I often get asked why we have chosen to live the life of an urban homesteader.  Why put in all those hours picking slugs, shoveling manure, sewing clothes from thrifted fabric, mucking out the chicken coop, or canning peaches when we could buy a tin of them at the store?

Yes, it is hard work, and we have struggles and failures along the way.  But, honestly, having the freedom to become urban homesteaders has enabled us to care for ourselves, our land, our family, our community.

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We care for our bodies by growing and making nourishing food.

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We care for our children, and strive to provide them with a free, happy childhood (and what could make a better childhood than being outdoors, digging in the dirt and playing with the chickens?)

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We care for our community by partnering with others to grow nutritious, organic produce for urban families, and share seeds, seedlings, and knowledge so others can grow their own food, too.

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We care for our land by practicing permaculture principles, increasing our soil’s fertility, planting native plants, and encouraging wildlife to make a home here.

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We care for our animals by giving them a happy, organic life where they can roam and follow their instincts.  They in turn care for us by giving us hours of entertainment, companionship, pest control, and delicious eggs.

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We are truly blessed to live a life that nourishes us body and soul.  We believe that all people in the city have the right to increase their food security through sustainable, economical agriculture and homemaking.  Homesteading belongs to all people who wish to reach out and embrace it.  It is not a gimmick or a trademark, it is a right and a joy.  Please visit the other blog posts and videos celebrating urban homesteading at Take Back Urban Homesteading and help us as we strive to keep urban homesteading free and open to all who want to live this life!

3 thoughts on “Urban Homesteading Action Day”

  1. Pingback: Take Back Urban Homesteading: Video Action Day | Seasons in the Soil

  2. I am inspired by how you are creating the life you want–living mindfully with intention. It’s a beautiful lifeway.

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