Noro Yarn Along

Last week’s Yarn Along project is finished, so it’s on to something new for this week’s reading and knitting link-up with Ginny.

Most of my knitting gets done in the early morning, or after lunch while the kids are doing their read-aloud.  I’m between novels, and have enjoyed thumbing through craft books first thing in the morning, before the coffee has kicked in.

During read-aloud this week, Ruth has been reading to us from one of our favorites, Sir Gawain and the Loathly Lady.  The kids have a renewed interest in Arthurian Legend, and we’re going to be starting The Dark is Rising series for our family chapter books. (It happens to be my absolute favorite series from when I was around Ruth’s age, and I’m excited to share it with my children.)

Bea is reading from level 2 Readers now, with some help.  She is working hard every single day, and we’re quite proud of her dedication to improving her reading skills.

Once again, I am finally casting on another easy project that has been in my Ravelry queue forever – the Baktus scarf.  After reading through the comments/advice of other knitters who have made this, I’ve decided to do the increases at the end of the row, instead of the beginning, since it is supposed to make the stranding of two colors a bit easier.  So far, so good.

The yarn is a few balls of garage-sale-find Noro I originally bought to make a larger shawl.   There is just enough left for this project.  It will be a belated birthday gift for my mother.

Looking forward to reading up on the other knitting projects in the link-up after the kiddos are in bed tonight…

11 thoughts on “Noro Yarn Along”

  1. Nice yarn! Those variegated Noro yarns look great in a pattern called The Feather and Fan Comfort Shawl. I have a couple of them in my Ravelry projects list. You can find me there as Magpie Ima.

  2. Hello there! Thanks for stopping by at mine. Lovely yarn and knitting. I have a ball of Noro and I am not sure what to do with it yet…I got it as a present.

    Great stuff on the permaculture! I took an intro to permaculture course and I still have yet to apply what I’ve learned to our garden. Really want to grow our own veg. Maybe when Bea is a little bit older and more able to help (!) 🙂

    Catch you soon.

  3. Pingback: Lark Song Knits » Blog Archive » Yarn Along – Baktus

  4. An Oregonian! Nice ot meet you… I just favorited the baktus on ravelry. One of my daughters is reading King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table and Robin Hood. I’ll certainly be looking into your suggested reads for the time period!

    Blessings, Debbie

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