Little Knitter


Look who’s knitting on two needles!


We are all recovering from a pretty awful family-wide bug, so the past two days we’ve taken things very easy.  Sunday afternoon, Little Hen said she wanted to get some knitting done and set to work on her first real “project” -  a little wool cape for her beloved Waldorf doll, Princess Rooth.  It’s going to be a simple garter stitch rectangle made from purple heather worsted-weight wool (from my stash) on size 8s.   We’ll lace a purple velvet ribbon through one side when she’s done to make it into a cape for her doll.


Firecracker had fun sitting next to her big sister, pretending to knit for a while, but eventually moved to the dining table to doodle monsters and princesses and such.


Even the baby took an interest – attempting to disassemble the shawl I’m working on.  🙂

My ambitious girl has said next she’d like to make a scarf for her sister.   Just like her mama, she’s already thinking ahead to the next project.  I think we’ve got another knitting addict in the family!

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