FO – Baby Sweater

Days of being able to sit and knit for hours on end while I watch Jane Austen movies and drink tea happen so rarely nowadays.  That it not the current season of my life, and I am glad for the busy-ness and responsibilities that come with having little ones, but it means that knitting projects are slow to be completed.  For everything there is a place and time

Yesterday, I finally got an hour to sit down, assemble the green baby sweater I started ages ago, and sew on the ribbon ties.  (Not sure I would make this again, though.  I knit it to gauge, added a few stitches on either end, and it still knit up too skinny for my liking, but maybe the friend’s son will wear this when he’s born won’t be quite so barrel chested as Tum Tum!)

The pictures don’t do the color justice.  It’s a deep emerald green, with cobalt blue ribbon ties.

Now, on to the next baby project. (Why is it that everyone seems to be having babies this winter, right when I’ve got Christmas gift knitting/sewing/baking/canning to finish??)

3 thoughts on “FO – Baby Sweater”

  1. So lovely. I think knitted baby sweaters are one of my favorite knitted things. I dream of a day when I am old in a rocker and I sit all day and knit baby sweaters.

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