In the front yard of our old house we had a very productive Italian prune plum tree. The girls would eat several every day, and I would make tarts and pies. Now we have moved back to the city, and I miss my plum tree and its bounty. So, when my husband’s coworker gave us a bowl full of Italian prune plums from her tree yesterday, I knew exactly what I’d do with them this morning – country plum galette. We glazed it with some black plum jam that Firecracker and I made in August. There were even enough left for the girls to make their own mini-pie.

Country Plum Galette
One batch one-crust pie dough, chilled (I use the old Betty Crocker – 1 cup unbleached flour, 1/3 cup lard, 1 tsp salt, 2-4 tbsp ice water. Cut lard into flour and salt, add water until dough forms)
6 tbsp brown sugar, divided
1 tbsp cornstarch
1 tbsp flour
Pinch salt
10-12 Italian prune plums, sliced into 6ths
½ tsp vanilla extract
½ cup homemade seedless blackberry plum jam (or storebought plum jam)
1 egg white
Granulated sugar, for sprinkling on crust
- preheat oven to 425 F. Roll pie crust out until into a rectangle (I like a rustic look, so I don’t trim the edges). Transfer to a parchment lined jelly roll pan (to catch drips – somehow it always drips!)
- combine 3 tbsp brown sugar, flour and cornstarch. Sprinkle over the center of the crust, leaving a 1-2 inch border.
- toss plums with the remaining brown sugar and vanilla. Lay in the center of the crust. Fold over edges, brush with egg white and sprinkle with white sugar.
- bake 15 min, then reduce heat to 400 until plums are soft and bubbly, about 20-30 minutes more.
- remove from oven and brush with warmed plum jam. Serve with vanilla ice cream.