Coconut Macaroons


I have checked out this book from the library at least 10 times.  I need to just go out and buy it.   So far, the girls and I have made close to half of the cookies  in the book.  We keep coming back to a number of them, but the coconut macaroons are simple and fun for children to make.  The girls enjoy shaping them into pyramids and we all enjoy the crunchy outside and soft, sweet inside.

The recipe is also online at Martha’s website


Hope your day is filled with sweet treats and smiling children!

3 thoughts on “Coconut Macaroons”

  1. how clever the second photo is – macaroons as big as your girl’s head. but it’s hard to decide which is sweeter.

    i say buy the book. it’s one of the few books i have bought and i was never sorry.

  2. Pingback: Lark Song Knits » Blog Archive » Chocolate-Malt Cookies

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