Yarn Along – Upstairs

Every knitting project I have started in the last week has been an exercise in frustration.  Last week’s socks got frogged, so I started knitting a Christmas pebble vest for George, and then decided I hated the shade of green (from my stash), so it, too, got frogged.  A second pair of socks, in blue tweed and pale purple-grey handspun merino got frogged as well.

I eventually settled on two handspun stash yarns for stripey socks (above).  (This grey Jacob-sheep yarn looks very handsome paired with red.  I’ve made socks and baby garments with the combo before.  It is one of my favorite yarns with which to knit.)

I am doing my best to only knit and spin from my stash for a whole year and not purchase any yarn or fiber, even  from the thrift store.  There is a small oak dresser upstairs packed with yarn (most lovely handspun from an estate sale of a fiber artist in the rural community where we used to live).  Trying to “knit with what I have” is frequently vexing for a whole host of reasons, but at the same time, I love opening those drawers to varied colors and textures – all those hanks of possibility.

…it is pure potential. Every ball or skein of yarn holds something inside it, and the great mystery of what that might be can be almost spiritual.
― Stephanie Pearl-McPhee

10 thoughts on “Yarn Along – Upstairs”

  1. It may have been an exercise in frustration coming to those socks, but the end result is gorgeous! You’re right – the color combination is fantastic, and is highlighted beautifully by that pattern! Sounds like you have quite a treasure trove of yarn. None of my second hand yarn was particularly nice (all “squeaky yarn”); I finally gifted it to a local church who will take anything for blanket projects.

  2. Thank you, Victoria! I’m just winging it. Not sure if I’ll make the second sock to match, or make them eclectic and vary-up the design. That’s great that you found a church to use your yarn for a good cause. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  3. what a bummer to have to frog all of that work. but i feel your pain, after working on a vest for my son for a few weeks, i am just so unhappy with it, i am frogging it and doing something completely different. 🙂
    the sock you are working on now is stunning!

  4. Beautiful socks! I decided to use only from my stash in 2013, and I’m already worried about it limiting my project choices. As a result, I’ve been stock piling even more before the new year, which kind of defeats the purpose! 🙂

  5. Ha! That’s hilarious, Susan! By the end of January, it will have been a year for me, and I am looking forward to buying a few skeins.

  6. I love the picture. It can be frustrating at times to frog a project but I admire that you are only knitting from your stash. I need to do that:)

  7. Oh, look at those socks! They’re lovely! I think socks are at the top of my list of new things to learn this year. I’m sorry to hear about your frustration, but if that result isn’t worth it I don’t know what is. xo

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