Meyer Lemon



Portland is in the midst of a rare snow storm, and all our weekend plans (derby, derby, speed skating, and more derby) have been canceled.  Instead, we have been playing in the snow and sledding and making snow ice cream.

And baking.  Lots of baking.  Something about the arrival of snow, inability to do garden work, a chilly house…a few days into the cold front, and I’ve done so much baking we’ve run out of butter.  And sugar.


Meyer lemons are in season right now, – a perfect opportunity to try a new lemon bar recipe.  They were delicious!  (Just a note, the lemon bars are gooey, and the original recipe recommends lining the baking dish in aluminum foil.   I don’t like to bake anything acidic in foil, and used buttered parchment instead.  As you can see, the bars came out easily, and baked perfectly.)

IMG_9182With the leftover seeds, Bea wanted to try out an activity she saw on Pinterest.

IMG_9184 IMG_9185We put the pot in a sunny window and hope they germinate.

IMG_9197Looks like the snow will continue through the night, so Ruth and I are making one of our favorite bread recipes after supper.  That way, we’ll have a hearty breakfast of homemade bread, marmalade, and scrambled eggs to bolster us before we head out to play in the fresh snow.  Who knows how many years it will be before we have the opportunity to build snowmen again?


1 thought on “Meyer Lemon”

  1. we’ve been baking up a storm here too! i made sure AP got an extra pound of butter in our “emergency provisions.”

    i think i’ll try the oatmeal applesauce cake for our Sunday morning.

    hope you all are happy and warm.

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