Hop Blossoms and Dragonfly Wings


A few pictures from the last two days:

The boys helped me pick hops this afternoon, which we will dry for tea.  Usually, we pick them for brewing beer, but I’m told a few blossoms steeped in hot water with a little honey makes a very soothing bedtime tea, so we are going to try it this winter.



Baking sesame-oat and shredded-wheat spelt breads yesterday so the kids could have a snack before derby scrimmage.


My ankle swells very quickly, and I spent a lot of time with my foot propped up, reading to the children and knitting Christmas presents.  Dragonfly Wings is off the needles, but still needs to be blocked.  I enjoyed this pattern very much – it was easy and quick to knit.   Looking forward to see how it blocks up.


Before the weather gets too cold and the comfrey dies back, I have begun collecting the leaves to dry, in order to make a batch of comfrey-rosemary salve.

More soon, including a recipe for the comfrey salve.


2 thoughts on “Hop Blossoms and Dragonfly Wings”

  1. Pingback: Homebodies | Salt of the Earth Farm

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