Give Presence
With the Christmas season in full swing, I thought I’d give a little nod to Advent Conspiracy.Â
I firmly believe in making Christmas simple, homemade, and reverent. It is a struggle to fit our family’s vision of Christmas in with our extended family and the greater culture. We made the decision to spend very little and to give homemade as much as possible. As Christians, we believe that Christ gave his life, and we can at least give a little something personal – something that takes a little sacrifice and a little love – in order to remind ourselves of His great sacrifice for us.
Advent Conspiracy has a greater vision – not the over used saying “Keep Christ in Christmas”, but something more substantial. Actually give less junk so that you can save your money and your time for acts of mercy. And let folks know why you aren’t participating in the ever-escalating orgy of spending and giving of junk that you don’t need. It’s so that you can give to other who have true needs.Â
$1 buys clean, safe drinking water for 1 person for 1 year.Â
It’s a four-fold plan – buy less junk so you can 1)increase meaningful giving to those in need 2)give handmade, 3)give your time personally connecting with others and 4) spend the Christmas season reflecting on the priceless gift in the incarnation, sacrifice, and resurrection of Christ.