Life is so frantic lately, I almost didn’t make Nicole’s KCCO or Ginny’s Yarn Along this week. I am having trouble keeping my head above water some days. It seems to be a constant problem – four kids, busy schedules, deadlines, nowhere to cut back and simplify. When life gets like this, I’m going to drop a ball somewhere, I just don’t know where yet…
This week, I’m re-reading some of of my favorite permaculture books. I am working on a research project, and while I thought most of my reading would take place late at night (thanks to chronic insomnia), the kids had other plans.
Ruth and Bea (ages 10 and 8) found the stack of 7or 8 permie books and asked if we could read through them together. Ruth, ever the artist, is fascinated with all the diagrams and base maps and sketches. Bea, ever the idealist, enjoys thinking about designing for conservation of resources and regeneration of the land. We all enjoy reading them together.
(Our favorite is Jenny Allen’s Australian book, Smart Permaculture Design.  Oh, if only we could grow mangoes and avocados!)
George is growing like a weed, and has outgrown some of the wool soakers I made him a while back. Those that still fit take a while to dry on the line, so we’re a little short in the rotation. Over the last few months, I’ve collected some cashmere and merino sweaters from the thrift store (for $1-$2/each), and today I hope to get them cut up for more longies and short soakers.  There should be enough to make four for George and two infant-sized ones for baby shower gifts.
In the late winter, I tend to be a little burned-out on knitting, and try to fill the void with spinning projects. Last week some folks here and on the Facebook page commented on all the spindle spinning, and asked what I had going on the wheel.
(Apologies for the fading light – it’s so hard to photograph in Oregon in January. The color on the bobbin below is more true than above.) Almost three years ago, I purchased a lot of mill-end Brown Sheep roving at a ridiculously cheap price (less than $8/lb). I have worked through most of it on drop spindles, but this full pound of teal with blue and black streaks (85% wool 15% mohair) is on the wheel.

My beat-up Louet S10 came with only two bobbins (it was supposed to come with three…long story. Buyer beware on Craigslist!), and both are currently holding this yarn. Trying to fill this bobbin so I can hurry up and ply them. My goal is to make matching vests for Harold and George (There should be ample yardage out of a full lb), which will be sized to fit them this coming fall (you have to really plan ahead when planning a project from a bag of roving!).
And now it’s back to school work with the kids: Ruth is tackling addition and subtraction of mixed numbers with unlike denominators, and she needs me right there to work through the problems with her. We are trying to wrap up school work early today, because Bea has an appointment to read to the therapy dog at the library this afternoon (such a great program for cautious and struggling readers!), and Ruth is desperate to pick up her book on hold (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix).
I will catch up on the other Yarn-Alongers later tonight. Happy knitting and happy reading!